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The Party (the night before)

Flames from a well established bonfire

Call me "Captain Sensible", but I thought it would be a good idea to have a party the night before the Slow Car Club Races.

Clive with clildren

Please Sir. Can I have some more?

The younger members of the 55 family are faced with a stern looking Clive.

Around the camp fire

Traditional party games include musical logs. As soon as someone goes off for another beer the log they were sitting on is thrown into the bonfire.

Clive and the Mary Rose

The auction starts. Clive is trying to sell authentic parts of the hull of the Mary Rose (Henry's Flagship). The parts look a lot like the fence Clive pulled down last week.

Sadly nobody bids, and the Mary Rose is lost forever on the bonfire.

Clive and the space shuttle

Anyone want to bid for a bit of Space Shuttle? Oddly when the tiles are removed the bits of space shuttle look very much like the fence Clive pulled down last week.

Sadly nobody bids, and the space shuttle is lost forever on the bonfire.


The party caused a lot of people to drop out of the drag racing event. Seems their heads hurt.

The fire took a long time to go out. Turns out we'd set it up on top of a buried tree stump which kept burning for the next 3 days.

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